Essentials While Hiking If You Get Lost

man lost deep in the wilderness on his knees praying for help

If you find yourself lost while hiking, having the right tools can make a significant difference in your safety and survival. Here’s a list of essential tools to carry:

  • Navigation: A compass and paper map of the area.
  • Sun ProtectionSunglassessunscreen, and a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Insulation: Extra clothing to keep warm if the temperature drops.
  • Illumination: A headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries.
  • First-Aid Supplies: A basic first-aid kit to handle minor injuries.
  • FireMatches or a lighter in a waterproof container, and a fire starter.
  • Repair Kit and Tools: A multi-tool with a knife and necessary repair items.
  • Nutrition: Extra food in case you are out for longer than expected.
  • Hydration: Extra water and a means to purify water.
  • Emergency Shelter: A space blanket or bivy sack for protection against the elements.
  • Survival Tents: These are small, lightweight tents designed specifically for emergency situations. 

If you are a praying person like I am, pray to God to help you find your way back home. The main this is to NOT PANIC and remain calm and use the above tools to help you find your way.

2 thoughts on “Essentials While Hiking If You Get Lost

  1. It is not often that one comes across an article giving practical resources in such a succinct manner.  You have not  “beaten about the bush” as it were but have gone straight to the point giving a list of essential equipment required should one be in an unfortunate position of getting lost.  I am sure it would help prospective hikers to read this first and adequately kit themselves before setting out.  Thank you for the useful information. 

    Perhaps photos of these essential items would be useful?

    1. Hi Tandi,

      Thank you for that very nice response.  I have been lost once, not for long, and even though I was not too far in the woods, it is still a scary feeling.  I was lucky because I knew that if I just walked downhill I would find the main road eventually (which I did of course).

      In any case, some serious hikers really should know about these things and I am hoping it reaches those who need some advice.

      Thank you again,

      Mike Powers

      Cabin Living Today

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